Thursday, November 19, 2009

Duck pee

Today was a salesfloor and pharmacy day for me. Both were mildly enjoyable. Dave had a not so enjoyable day and since I was lazy it meant eating out.

Dave has/had an elementary holiday concert coming up in December. He was informed last week by the athletic director that the concert needed to be moved to a different date, and also gave him the date that would work... that date being 10 days sooner than the original. Dave was a little stressed about this news, but overall it didn't affect him much. Today Dave found out that none of the elementary teachers were made aware of the change. They charged into his office with pitchforks and torches demanding justice, luckily he was able to plead innocence in the change and the mob quickly turned to seek the blood of the athletic director. For now it seems that the concert is on hold until further notice.

He also had a fun little experience with his 4th grade class today. He sent a kid to the principal (first time this year) for banging on the bass drum (something the kid had already been warned not to do), only to have the kid returned since the principal was busy. Later on in the class Dave noticed a 4th grader not singing. He told everyone to sing but one kid was holding out. Dave continued to play guitar and initiated a showdown with this kid by staring at the kid continually. The kid began a pattern of looking at Dave and then looking away. Even the girl next to the kid noticed and started looking from the kid back to Dave and so forth. Eventually Dave was able to wink at the girl when the kid was looking away, breaking some of the tension. From what I hear, Dave won, finally staring the kid into submission, which happened to be singing in this case.

Kiki update: she is not excited about the new food. Still no vomit, but we're not sure if that's because she's not really eating much or what. If we add food to what she has she gets a little excited and starts to chow for a while before thinking, "oh *$#%, this is still that crappy duck and pea food." I like to call the food duck pee, probably adding to Kiki's distaste.


  1. I am imagining Dave in a showdown with a 4th grader, and it is very amusing (to me - I'm sure it wasn't to him).
    Also, I wouldn't eat "duck pee" either, so I feel for Kiki. Although duck pee vs puking all the time...I don't know...that's a hard one.
    When are you guys coming to visit? Because I'm sure you aren't doing enough traveling with the holidays and Dave doesn't get sick of driving during the week at all. ;-) But you are welcome to stay with us any time you want to come. :) At least until Feb...then you might not WANT to stay.

  2. Dave actually did have some fun staring down the kid, or at least he didn't mind while I was laughing during the story. How about January for a visit? The holidays are looking a bit hectic.
