Sunday, May 6, 2012

One step at a time

I'll start out easily...

Peter's lost stuff
1. The red ball from his ball popper
2. The yellow-orange ball from his ball popper
3. The mechanic from his Little People parking garage
4. A yellow cloth diaper

Things on my mind for the week
1. Keeping things ordered and looking good at work while my co-worker/superior is in Ireland
2. Jogging and getting dinner ready tomorrow morning before work
3. Talking to my mom about Mother's Day
4. Making cookies (hopefully today)
5. Finishing off that bottle of V8 juice I finally opened last week
6. Finally making an appointment to go back to the eye doctor so I can tell him that yes, the contacts did work out and can I please have my prescription for them now even though it's over 4 months since I originally came in.
7. Put more music onto my iPhone
8. Have cheese and crackers ready for class on Tuesday night (*as a side note, I was just thinking about how fun it would be to use cookie cutters to make the cheese into cute shapes, this will surely bite me in the butt later when I'm not happy about all the time it takes, but if it works out I will try to post pics*)

Things I need to get done soon (and am ashamed that I haven't yet)
1. Write a will
2. Actually put Peter's money into an education account (so first I must research them)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Blogging isn't working for me, at least not at this time in my life. I don't have high expectations, but I am going to try making lists on here. It could be very boring for readers (if there are any), but I like lists and it is a way for me to both utilize the blog and hopefully make sense of day to day life and more.

List of lists (I'd like to make)

1. What I would like to improve on in daily life
2. Shows and movies I would like to see soon
3. Music to work out to
4. Things I'd like to accomplish in the year
5. Things I'd like to accomplish each month
6. Things I'd like to have Peter do
7. Ways that I'd like to improve my marriage
8. Things that are currently lost

That's all I'm going to do for now, if I continue to type it will be solely to avoid doing dishes... ok actually I am going to procrastinate, but only to list what's most important to get done today (I have two child related classes that will take my time from 4:15 to 8:15pm tonight and it's about 1pm now).

1. Dishes
2. Pack tomorrow's lunch
3. Get bike stuff ready (I'm going to try to bike to work tomorrow)
4. Pick out clothes for tomorrow (Peter and my clothes)
5. Note for Dave (about plan for tomorrow, dinner, etc.)
6. Diaper cleaning

Most exciting news received today (so far)
1. Dave has been offered a job at Deer River

Now it's really time for #1 on the 5/1/12 list.