Saturday, August 21, 2010

tough baby

This is baby flexing, strong baby :) The sonogram was taken at the last ultrasound on July 22nd, the one to make sure the placenta was high enough (it was).
I feel like we have most of the baby stuff that we're going to need for a while. I get these coupons when I go in for appointments or classes that I can use at a baby store so when I accumulate enough I plan to get some bottles and then I will really be set. My sister-in-law was nice and generous to lend me a couple 3.5 oz bottles so I'm not totally bottle-less.
I have finally been working on painting scenes from the book Ferdinand for the baby's room. It's going pretty well. I only really have two completed, but one of them is fairly large (14" x 11") and took a few hours to do so it feels like a lot. I marked seven pictures that I liked and have 4 of those in progress or done, but I may stop at 5 or 6 depending on how things go.
Work is still going well but I notice my feet hurting by the end of the day if I don't get enough stool time. I will be doing filing/scanning the first couple weeks of September so it will be nice to be sitting for a while near the end. Part of me is getting excited and wants to be at October but I'm also nervous for it and am enjoying the end of summer. I liked having Dave home and making me supper. He's less stressed too, we generally get along better so hopefully the school year will start out nicely and be low-stress.
I've lost focus so I will be going again, next time I post a photo I'll include an update of my bigger belly. I've gained 26 lbs so far and have slowed down in these last few weeks so everything seems good there.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

baby stuff

Delinquent again... I want to at least get through some major updates in this post, it won't be in chronological order though.

Dave and his dad, with help from me, put in a fake wood (vinyl) floor in the baby's room. Dave's family also bought us a crib which is now set up. I think the room looks really nice and am more excited.

I passed the glucose test and continue to eat ice cream. I also had a second ultrasound which showed baby seeming to flex it's muscles. I will have to add that photo later. The placenta has moved up which is great, and after learning more it wasn't horribly low to begin with (3.8 cm away from the cervix initially).

We started and finished the birthing classes since last time I wrote. They were informative and I do know a little better what to expect, but I thought I'd learn even more about the hospital policies. One thing I did figure out was the baby step coupons... when I go to my appointments and to the birthing classes I receive these slips for Baby Steps, a store in town. I finally went there one day on my lunch to check it out and was annoyed that prices weren't listed until I realized that the little stickers with numbers like 2,3,4, etc were listing the number of coupons you would pay to get the item. Now I'm pretty excited about those coupons and have been saving them up.

My cousin had a baby shower for me. I had fun and it was nice to see a lot of people that I don't get to very often. I couldn't believe how well we did for gifts, there's not a lot that I really need other than the diapers and I even have a start on that.

The pregnancy is still going well, I feel baby move a lot and even felt hiccups a few nights ago. I still like the belly and am mostly only uncomfortable when I first wake up in the morning or to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night because my ribs seem to be tired of me being on my side with belly weighing things down. I've gained about 25 pounds already but have slowed the gain a little in the last few weeks. My feet get tired and hurt after less time, I'm guessing it's the added weight, I'm worried my arches are going to flatten out. Very little swelling which is good since there's preeclampsia on my dad's side.

I called a ton of daycares on the last day I updated the blog. I didn't chose any but have a much shorter list to look at now with some prices. I talked to my boss, it was made a lot easier by the fact that another floor person and tech were hired, it took the stress off. He was totally fine with me taking what I wanted off (12 weeks was my preference) and I can come back 3 days a week. I still need to talk to the lead technician to work out the details but I'm pretty happy about everything. Money will be tight but I'd rather spend time with the baby and hopefully get better at taking care of home and hubby, obviously there will be quite an adjustment period, but those extra days off should allow me to do more around the house and more importantly give me time to plan (meals, schedules, etc).

I am hungry and have been awake for an hour and a half (mostly spent just laying in bed) so I'm going to go eat and start to get things done, I have a million onesies that need tending to.