Saturday, August 21, 2010

tough baby

This is baby flexing, strong baby :) The sonogram was taken at the last ultrasound on July 22nd, the one to make sure the placenta was high enough (it was).
I feel like we have most of the baby stuff that we're going to need for a while. I get these coupons when I go in for appointments or classes that I can use at a baby store so when I accumulate enough I plan to get some bottles and then I will really be set. My sister-in-law was nice and generous to lend me a couple 3.5 oz bottles so I'm not totally bottle-less.
I have finally been working on painting scenes from the book Ferdinand for the baby's room. It's going pretty well. I only really have two completed, but one of them is fairly large (14" x 11") and took a few hours to do so it feels like a lot. I marked seven pictures that I liked and have 4 of those in progress or done, but I may stop at 5 or 6 depending on how things go.
Work is still going well but I notice my feet hurting by the end of the day if I don't get enough stool time. I will be doing filing/scanning the first couple weeks of September so it will be nice to be sitting for a while near the end. Part of me is getting excited and wants to be at October but I'm also nervous for it and am enjoying the end of summer. I liked having Dave home and making me supper. He's less stressed too, we generally get along better so hopefully the school year will start out nicely and be low-stress.
I've lost focus so I will be going again, next time I post a photo I'll include an update of my bigger belly. I've gained 26 lbs so far and have slowed down in these last few weeks so everything seems good there.

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