Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Cleaning until I drop

A lot has been happening in the last week and a half. I had my last day of work on Wednesday the 22nd. As soon as the work day was over I drove up to Grand Rapids to help my mom with the garage sale and go to the interview on Thursday. The garage sale went pretty well, mom decided to have it on Wednesday and Thursday since Dave and I were moving in on Saturday and a lot of stuff was gone after Wednesday morning... which meant I didn't end up doing a whole lot. Thursday I drove out to the small town of Remer for the interview. It took about 40 minutes and I got there just a little early. The interview wasn't great but not awful either... they asked me a lot of band specific questions, and since I haven't been very involved in teaching band for a few years now I didn't always have the greatest answers. Needless to say, I did not get the job. I was sad that first day (because the principal had assured me that he would be calling the same day with either response), but by afternoon the next day I had moved on and was thinking of other stuff I could apply for. I may end up substitute teaching - sort of holding out on that since I don't like not knowing my schedule and that job makes it difficult to schedule if you really take jobs every day.

Friday I drove my parent's truck back to Duluth and brought a bed to my sister. Saturday was the big move - we have a lot of stuff. I think we ended up renting a 17 foot U-haul and filling it completely. The move went pretty smoothly and we were even able to unpack quite a bit despite how I felt the next day (sore and a little hungover... my parents really broke out the alcohol and I didn't drink enough water).

This week Dave is still working before our big Iowa/Oklahoma trip to visit friends. I took the time off so that I could clean the apartment. That's been going slowly but nicely. I don't think this apartment has been as clean as I'm getting it in at least 20 years. I scrubbed the entire perimeter (baseboards) of the apartment with a toothbrush. As I write this I am putting off retrieving laundry, wiping down window blinds, and taking a shower (I've taken to doing that in the late afternoons after I getting dirty cleaning (ironic isn't it) and before I see friends). I guess I will quit procrastinating.

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