Monday, December 21, 2009


Ugh, I was so sleepy and unmotivated when I came home from work. I laid down on the couch and tried to de-stress. I then went on to watch a National Geographic episode about stress: portrait of a killer. Finally I got around to the cleaning I've been meaning to do. Currently the oven is cleaning itself and stinking up the house. I swept and mopped the linoleum and cleaned the ferret's cage. I made a schedule and list of things to get done so I feel better about that at least.
Tomorrow I need to give Dave a lesson on getting ready for and going to the dump. It will be an exciting little adventure for him to go all by himself.
Since once again I am an hour later than I had hoped to get to bed, I will finish up with more marching band.

1 comment:

  1. By the way, at the beginning of the video, Kiki is trying to sing along with the bells.
