Sunday, December 6, 2009

Santa's Marching Band

Do you have anything that you absolutely love even though you know it may be awful to others? This is my seasonal love...

This is Santa's Marching Band, something I inherited by marrying Dave. His grandma passed it on to him and I love, love, love it. Dave isn't huge on Christmas music, and especially not noisy, slightly out of tune, bell Christmas music. The "band" plays something like 50 different Christmas songs in a row before finally starting over. Even my favorite "O Come, O Come Emmanuel." When we lived in the apartment it sat in the moldy basement until I discovered it the second year. Dave is ready to take a hammer to it so I can only play it for so long while he is home. I didn't think about the fact that "filming" on the camera's side would produce a sideways video. Maybe I will fix this later on, but for now just tilt your heads.

It's starting to feel more like the Christmas season now. Yesterday Dave and I cut down our first Christmas tree. We tried a tree farm nearby but they were closed due to sickness. We ended up taking my brother's (uninsured, yeah that might have been a bad idea) noisy truck to the next town to a tree farm. The whole way I kept telling Dave not to hit anyone, not that he would do that in any vehicle but I was nervous. We got to the place with saw in hand and found a nice fat balsam. I lay down on the ground and writhed around like a worm as I maneuvered the saw back and forth, after my arm began to burn Dave took over and we had our tree. The tree was a little pricier than I anticipated ($37), but it sounds like they were similarly priced elsewhere and we got the fun of the experience. I'm undecided about what we will do next year (real tree or fake) but we can decide when we get to it. I will have to take a picture of the tree later. After the whole tree experience and some relaxation at home we went to my work party. It was fun seeing everyone's spouse/partner. It was also nice seeing the pharmacists' (both of them - married to each other) house. It was very nice and spacious. Lots of antler decor, but tastefully done. I want their kitchen. No pictures, sorry. We had yummy food, both prepared and catered. Before leaving we had a White Elephant gift opening. There were about 30 people there total. I had a lot of fun watching people open the gifts we brought. A wine bottle holder (for just one bottle), some decorative fruit, pewter mugs, and a big stuffed frog with tag still on. Dave and I did pretty well, someone stole his scented oil heater (which he was very pleased about) so he stole a small drum to use at his school. I opened a drummer boy tree ornament that no one stole from me and is now hanging on our tree.

In other news the lake finally froze this week, not to the point that you could safely walk on it. In my grandmother's words, "___ Lake is treacherous!" I like that comment, I told Dave that she reads a lot of romance novels. It really can be dangerous though because a river goes through it so the ice in the middle isn't safe until it's been really cold for a while. Here are some pictures of the newly frozen lake.
I took the pictures at dusk. The close up is of some animal tracks, possibly a dog, not sure because I wasn't willing to go close enough to look.

Me trying out the ice, seemed solid in one spot, but I broke through in another. I wasn't planning on walking out anyway but as long as it was shallow enough to keep my feet dry I figured I'd see how thick it was.

Lastly, since I was going to introduce foxkitty, here is pic of him. He's a trouble-maker. Really he's a finger puppet, but he has stories.

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