Friday, December 11, 2009

O Christmas Tree

Here it is, the Christmas tree. I haven't managed to get a very picturesque photo of it but it's getting late and I wanted to be done writing this entry by now.

It was mostly a good day for me. A sick co-worker was feeling a little better and back at work, I got to "play" in pharmacy. I am slowly getting better, I know where to find a lot more drugs now and I can generally move the drugs on without many questions. I used to really like stickers but working with the sticky labels has almost changed my mind, some people will be getting some slanted labels and/or labels with wrinkles. I still like counting pills, it just gets a little nerve-wracking when a lot of people are waiting. Oh, and the big news (for me) is that another co-worker (a pharm tech) is leaving to work somewhere closer to her home (over 30 miles away from our store) so I will now be working in the pharmacy 3 days a week, almost guaranteed (versus the possible 1 1/2 days I had recently). I feel a little bad for my co-workers on the sales floor since I was getting to be a decent help there, but I have to admit that I'm pretty excited. It sounds like a newer employee will be getting more hours so she can help on the sales floor. Now I just need to start learning all of the drug names and their generics.

When I got home from work I found an awful surprise. Vomit. Vomit on the dining room table. Kiki had managed to get sick on two separate place mats, the tablecloth, and over the edge to the carpet. I checked the poinsettia first (they are poisonous to animals) but there weren't any signs of chewing. Eventually I realized that a gross leftover of mine is what caused the problem. Yesterday I had a small amount of leftover steel cut oats that froze in the car. When I got home I brought it in and set it on the table before going to Dave's band concert. When we got home I was too tired to clean up so today Kiki must have tried it out for herself. The milk I used was a little questionable yesterday morning, so after freezing and then thawing out all day it was probably nice and rancid. I considered adding pictures of the mess but decided they would be too explicit for the blog. Explicitly disgusting.

Dave's band concert was good. There were a few really great moments, one in particular where the brass were really in tune and blending beautifully, another when the junior and senior high students came marching in to pounding bass and quad drums. The parents and faculty seem to really appreciate Dave which was nice to see and hear. I just hope they feel that way come spring, and are possibly ready to show/fight for it if his job is on the cutting block.

I need to help my grandma out with some packing at 9am tomorrow morning so I need to get to bed.

1 comment:

  1. I like your tree! Also, congrats on getting to work more in the pharmacy - it sounds like it will be challenging, which is key to a good job, I think.
    If we don't talk to you before then, have a Merry Christmas! And tell Dave congrats on the band concert. :)
