Thursday, January 28, 2010


I've been watching a lot of Dexter lately and not doing too much else. I got most of the wallpaper down but now I have to go around and get all of the tiny bits left behind. This weekend we're going to Duluth to visit some friends. The weekend after that a bunch of friends will be coming to visit us so I'll have to get more errands done during the week. Luckily we're just finishing up season 2 of Dexter and will have to rent each disk of season 3 so we won't be able to binge on the show as much as we have lately. Mostly just checking in, need to get going so I can attempt to get paint and go to Target.


  1. Ryan and I LOVE Dexter. We need to get back into that show (although we've found that shows on DVD from Netflix are great during the summer when there aren't any regular shows on TV).
    Congrats on getting the wallpaper down! I can't wait to see what it looks like when you are done.
    We are excited to see you guys this weekend - do you know what your plans are?

  2. Dave fails at communication ;-)
