Sunday, January 10, 2010


Before I forget, the font that is on our new computer system at work looks like DOS font, as in the old format (?) of PC computers before Windows came out, at least I think that's what it is based on how Dave described it.

For my next catastrophe (of the week)...
When Dave and I were first married I had to "train" him to take the Excedrin and coins out of his pockets so they wouldn't end up in the laundry. He got the hang of it and I never see anything except the rare guitar pick in the wash. Despite the early follies, he has never left anything as destructive as this in his pockets...

That would be my doing. I thought I got everything out of my lab coat pocket... the highlighter, my scan card, a business card, my chapstick, and my fingerless gloves for the drive-through window. I failed to remove the one pen and failed to notice it after washing so I loaded it along with our whites into the dryer. This all happened last night around 11pm so I decided to leave it for the morning. I did not want to get out of bed. By the way, the pants above have already been treated with 1/4 can of hairspray if that gives you an idea of how thick the stains were. The hairspray did do wonders, but didn't completely remove any of the thickest stains. I called my mom and then rummaged around for some denatured alcohol that I used to use to clean my flute. Here is my arsenal of chemicals -

That's right, there's even some old school Aqua Net that I found. The denatured alcohol worked similarly to the hairspray. I would scratch at the submerged fabric while watching tiny streams of dye release into the toxic liquid. I had to open the window for a while to improve the air quality.
This is the remaining denatured alcohol after much scrubbing and absorption. It was a yellow-tinted transparent liquid beforehand.
The rag to the right was not in the dryer, it is just something I used to scrub the soiled clothing. This is my lab coat before cleaning...
...and this is the lab coat after cleaning. I still plan to put it through the wash again in hopes that more of the stain on the bottom front will come out. You might have to click on the photos in order to really see any difference.

Finally I will add some photos of the new hippy phone (with my sushi pants as a backdrop).and the eco-happy screen savers.

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