Friday, January 15, 2010

more tales of pharmacy

Today was a pretty good day, this is what I got to do at work...

We blister pack some drugs for people. We put their drugs into the correct dosing and they get it in a disposable pill organizer each month. I like doing it because it's calming and fun to see the color combinations. This person gets kind of a lot of drugs and gets them four times a day. Below is one days dose (morning is on the right, then noon,

then supper, and finally bedtime is on the left). Did I mention that I love to count pills. Now I just need to increase my list of memorized drugs. I finished making the "A" flashcards today, as in Adavan, Actos, etc.
On Monday I worked on the salesfloor and noticed that they were training in someone I'd never seen in the pharmacy. I must admit that initially I felt like I'd been punched in the gut. Were they already replacing me?! Was that all the time I had to learn, am I the slowest tech of all time? I asked "mother D" who turned and outright asked who the new person was. The new person was a tech and is a new hire, but she's not replacing me... she's slowly going to replace another employee who will move to another position within the company. Tuesday felt like a turning point for me. I had less questions, I was able to make changes without problems, and I kept up slightly better than I had previously. Wednesday was a salesfloor day and went fairly well, Thursday was similar to Tuesday, and today was relaxing because I was in the back and no one had to wait on me to get things done.
Before I do my grocery shopping (I feel that Friday night is the best in terms of lack of people), I will include some winter pics. These are both from Christmas time. The "point" with new snow, and my parent's/sister's ex cat crabbily frolicking in the snow. If you click on the photo you can see in his eyes and the way his mouth is pulled forward = crabby.
Oh, and update on the pen/dryer catastrophe... Dave's dress shirt turned out great, my lab coat is pretty decent (couple of spots), and Dave's pants would have been nice too, except that the hairspray/alcohol tinted a couple spots a light salmon color and he refuses to wear them like that.

1 comment:

  1. I think you should tell Dave to stop being such a nancy about his pants. ;-)
    The snow is very pretty (especially in a photo while I'm warm in the office), and I'm so glad your job is going well!
