Wednesday, November 24, 2010

vanity leads to sleeplessness

So this is my story from last night after I put Peter in the bjorn carrier -

I walk around a little bit and then start doing dishes (he wants me on my feet!). I sway back and forth, especially for the last few dishes and he falls asleep. I take him out of the carrier and place him in the bassinet so that I can get his diaper stuff ready for the final bedtime change, assuming that he will immediately wake up. As I do this I realize that he is totally passed out, dead to the world, not moving so I decide to get ready for bed. I brush my teeth, wash my face, take my vitamin, and then I do the unthinkable... I start to tweeze my eyebrows. I swear God is punishing me for being vain because the first errant hair I pluck I hear a noise. I'm hoping that I imagined it, after all he's not crying, but sure enough as I continue with the beauty ritual I start to hear more of the little noises. I finish up and walk out to the bassinet. Peter is wide-eyed, waving his arms as if to say, "Look mom! I fooled you, I was just kidding and I'm going to stay up for hours!"

Luckily for me he fell asleep moderately quickly after the diaper and another feeding, only to wake up half an hour later for the rest of his late night snack.


  1. Ugh. I hate that! Usually for me it's "I just want to look at facebook really quick before bed," and he wakes up just as I'm crawling into bed, after wasting time online.
    Is he generally sleeping better at all?

  2. I talked to another friend about sleep training so I'm going to start trying some of the techniques - like not letting him stay up more than 2 hours in a row if I can help it. I didn't realize how overtired he was getting. Unfortunately he is sick so I'm not being too strict for now since he needs extra food and sleep (I'm not supposed to let him sleep much more than 2 hours in a row during the 3 day time naps either... at least once those truly show up in another month or so).
