Tuesday, November 23, 2010

hotline for desperate mothers

The last couple of nights (and it's looking like tonight also) Peter has been staying up late, later than the usual 11 or midnight - until almost 1:30am. He then sleeps for 4-6 hours so it's not the end of the world, but at midnight I start feeling a little crazy. Last night I contemplated whether taking him outside would make him sleepy (don't worry, I didn't take him out into the tundra) and also wondered if there were any hotlines to keep mothers sane. It seemed like a good idea maybe I will have to google it.

Tonight I'm trying walking him around in the baby bjorn carrier. I swear he's been the most frenzied awake at this time of night. He always seems hungry but also spits up a lot so he could be over-eating a little.

I'm trying to switch him over to sleeping in his crib. It hasn't been an issue except that neither of our baby monitors are working and Dave needs a fan running for white noise at night (I can't hear as well with it on) so I dragged up a twin bed and have been sleeping in Peter's room. I need to figure out this monitor issue. I'm not sure if they are actually too close together (really my bedside and his bedside are only about 15 feet apart (if that) separated by a wall. We were using an old monitor (from the eighties) but the other night it started making really loud static sounds randomly so we bought a new monitor for $28 which looked to be on the cheap side even though I thought it should be cheaper. That monitor is constantly making a loud static sound and it's very difficult to hear Peter. I tried moving both sides of the monitor to the living room and it seemed to work so I will try to experiment more tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. They SHOULD have something like that. I think a lot of people get online at night and go to places like babycenter to talk to other moms, but sometimes that doesn't work.
    James hasn't been sleeping well at night either. I don't know what the deal is, but I am so over it.
    I think you are probably right on about the monitors being too close to each other. Try moving it across the room and just turning it up a bit so you can still hear it. We have one of the less expensive ones and it works great, including at the neighbor's apartment. HA!
