Sunday, January 23, 2011


Since I wrote my list of 30 things to do I have gotten a tiny bit of a start on some of the things and not started others. Shortly after my birthday both Dave and I got sick with a stomach bug/flu. I used it as an excuse for not starting some of the things, like playing flute (still haven't) and cleaning. I have started making meal plans and have been eating healthier (getting that extra serving of vegetables). I started work again and Dave's teacher union and the school board finally settled last April's contract so we should be doing a little better financially... doesn't mean we'll pay off the car, but maybe we can get close to meeting my savings goal. I wrote down people's birthdays on my calendar and we've been pretty good about sitting down to dinner together. Peter's not always on board with sitting down to dinner. Lately he seems to want to sit upright and many of his contraptions have him laying back. I read one baby book (about babies, not a book for babies, I've read several stories to Peter). Some of the items are seasonal but I need to keep the cross-country skiing one in mind since there will probably only be a few days where it will be warm and cold enough for that.

I'm probably most disappointed about eating at the fancy Italian place. Dave and I will still be going out to eat this Tuesday, but I just found out that the Italian place closed. Apparently it was very expensive and not enough people were eating there but it's mostly depressing because my parents had given us a spendy gift certificate for that restaurant. I will have to look into whether there is any reimbursement, I guess we should have just hauled Peter along and gone before January when they closed.

1 comment:

  1. It's rough, with a baby, to get things done. Especially when you are sick on top of it. I'm sorry to hear about the restaurant; that sucks! I hope you can get a reimbursement or something.
