Sunday, January 2, 2011

30 things to do before I turn 30

I'll be turning 29 in a few days and stole this idea from another friend, though she has more time to get her goals done and hers were more fun/intriguing. Some of my goals are easy and some may not actually be accomplished, but I figured they were at least a little more likely to if I wrote them down.

1. Talk to a "financial person" and start Peter's college fund
2. Mark down birthdays on my calendar and at least acknowledge each person
3. Plan a 1st birthday party for Peter (even if it's not big)
4. Eat dinner at the dining room table as a family every night it's possible (= no tv, no pep band)
5. Read or listen to news once a week (it's a start, I'm pretty bad)
6. Pay off our car
7. Increase our savings by 10%
8. Go one full week without the computer, internet, netflix, tv
9. Start more family times (Sunday evening games?)
10. Be less crabby... I will have to work on what this will look like (Dave notices, I express myself in better/calmer ways, I don't use any swear words, etc.)
11. Make a meal plan each week
12. Have an outline for future trips to the coasts and how to finance them
13. Acquire more house plants and don't let them die
14. Eat one more serving of vegetables every day
15. Read at least 12 books
16. Have a will written
17. Get Peter on some type of sleep schedule
18. Drink enough water each day
19. Go out to eat at that fancy Italian place while grandma babysits
20. Visit my grandma more often
21. Play flute twice a week
22. Stick to a cleaning schedule
23. Organize my file cabinet
24. Jump off that cliff at the mine dump
25. Tell Dave that I love him more often
26. Take Peter swimming
27. Take Peter cross-country skiing
28. Make an oreo cake
29. Go canoeing
30. Have a garage sale

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