Saturday, October 24, 2009


I've been slightly busy making real dinners (planned ones that involve the appropriate food groups), getting ready for Halloween, and watching movies (occasionally).

Work: Work has been getting a little stressful. I still love the job, but there have been some changes to the way things are done. My co-workers, some who have worked there for upwards of 10 years, are not pleased with the changes. We receive faxes from doctor's ordering wheelchairs, dressings, and braces. The old way of doing things was to put these doctor's orders into a folder until the patient came in and requested the item. The new way is to be proactive and call the patient to see if and when they want to come in for their item. The problem is that most times we have to search for the patient's phone number (takes time), we sometimes get many orders in a day, and we have people just coming in with a hard copy requesting the item right then. Some days we have the extra time to fill out the forms ahead and contact the patient. Other days we can barely help customers who are waiting in line because things are so hectic. I decided that I am okay with doing this new way because I believe that if it doesn't work, it will be obvious and we can switch back. My co-workers who have much more experience don't feel that we should have to upset the way things were because they worked well before, why mess around with that. I don't think I'm putting it very eloquently, but that's the gist of it.

Finances: I feel like I'm relaxing a little more about our financial situation (payments for the car, higher utility costs, etc). The test will be next Sunday (the first) when I balance the checkbooks and compare our expenses/incomes to the projected amounts (I already know that both will be a little over what they should be - I get three paychecks this month). Because we have increased the amounts that we are paying on loans we are actually spending more than we did when we were in Duluth, paying rent. I'm just so excited to get those loans taken care of.

Halloween: I don't plan to go out and party, but I work on Saturday so I will be in costume that day, and possibly the day before (we have a lot more employees working during the week than on Saturdays). I already talked about going as Sally from the "Nightmare Before Christmas," and I have finished the dress, stockings, received face paint (to try to match stocking color), and gotten the shoes (from mom). I started the wig but need to add more yarn to it. Here are photos of the front and back of the finished dress I made.


  1. I LOVE your costume - you are so talented! I wish I could sew. LOL. I hope they get the new work procedure figured out for you guys soon in a way that works. It is frustrating to have to change something that you think is working just fine.
    Are you guys thinking about coming to Duluth to visit anytime soon? We are missing you!

  2. I still am not good about using a pattern, for me it's easiest to think of it geometrically/mathematically the rest is just pulling the needle in and out. Plus I have a sewing machine so that speeds things up.
    I mostly hope it gets worked out soon because my coworkers being upset is stressing me out!
    We don't have plans to come to Duluth, but we'll have to look at that because we miss you too and if I don't have an idea or plan it won't happen. What are you two doing for Thanksgiving? I suppose that's something for email :)
