Saturday, September 25, 2010


The first photo is of the book "Ferdinand," the one I liked a lot and decided to emulate the pictures for the baby's room. I did 7 paintings all shown above, they are various sizes and all of them took a long time to do but I'm pretty happy with them. They basically look like the drawings in the book. Originally I had contemplated taking down the wallpaper in the room and painting directly on the walls but that would have been a ton of work and I had limited time. I also don't mind the wallpaper that's in that room and I think it would have been difficult scaling the pictures, I had enough trouble just changing it a little for the paintings. If you click on the photos they become bigger and you can see the detail.
I went on my walk and took some stuff out of the pontoon boat but that's about the only productive thing I've done. Dave is visiting some friends at a cabin just over an hour from here. The friends will be there all weekend but after some back and forth on my part (and minor emotional distress that I kept to myself until one stressful night when I came undone on Dave) we decided that Dave shouldn't go in case I went into labor. As the weekend got closer it didn't seem like anything would happen so we figured he could take a day trip and I made sure that he would call me every two hours to check in... that was the big issue really, he doesn't get cell phone reception out there and there isn't a phone line. So far he's made good on his end of the deal and I haven't had any symptoms so everything should be just fine. I'm sort of relieved that he went because I felt guilty keeping him back, it's not just a friendly trip, it's sort of a bachelor party too for his main friend that's getting married.
I'm still very attached to having an October baby so I keep telling people that I don't want to go into labor until at least the evening of the 30th (because I figure it will take quite a few hours). I just have to make it 5 days in that case, it's probably more likely that I will be late. I guess I would rather have a September baby than be induced, but it's out of my control so there's no point in worrying about it.

1 comment:

  1. Those pictures are SO AWESOME. I know you did them freehand, but they look like tracings, they are so great.
    I've been thinking about you a lot, wondering how you are feeling. I finally got to meet Jake & Holly and Eric & Katie's babies this past week; hopefully it won't take 6 months for us to get to meet yours once it finally arrives!
